
Frequently Asked Questions - Here you can find some answered questions. If you have any question, please use the form Write to us on the left side of this web page.
Q: What is recommended exchange interval for springs?
A: Estimated exchange interval for springs is after 6000 to 7000 shots. If you can buy spare spring, best way to know when to exchange spring, is to compare installed spring with spare one after every about 500 shots. When installed spring is shorter by one thread compared to spare one – it is time to exchange it.

Q: I have adjustable rear sight and it randomly moves up. What is the problem?
A: Construction of some adjustable rear sights uses springs, small metal balls and adjusting screw with recessed area under. When shooting specifically with large calibres or special ammunition, part of recoil energy can swing the rear sight down and release springs pushing balls to adjusting screw. This short moment is enough to release screw by 1 click. This behaviour imply from design of adjusting mechanism. You should know this issue when ordering adjustable rear sight. When using compensator, this is not issue of course. CZ and IPSC shooters recommends to use non-adjusting sights for it's reliability and long lasting use.
P.S. Some shooters use piece of foam or rubber between slide and rear sight to push rear sight up and absorb part of energy. Even when released after the shot, light foam can't injure you.

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